Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What's For Dinner?

After my online conversation with a friend who's on exchange in Norway a couple of days ago, it occurred to me how difficult it was for people who live alone to cook a decent meal for themselves. I was in the same situation myself when I came to Perth and I admit, a huge part of it goes to the fact that my Mum wasn't there to do the cooking. ^_^

So I did the next best thing... I ate out. But you can only eat so much msg-infused takeaway till hair starts falling out of places you never knew existed.

So for all you guys out there struggling in the kitchen, get your hands out of the KFC bucket and don your aprons! I hope this simple recipe will help kick start those creative juices lurking in that cooking brain of yours =) Enjoy!

Potato Mash with Chorizos

Ingredients: 2 servings
2 potatoes (~40cents each)
1 onion (~20cents)
1 handful of snow pea sprouts (~20cents)
2 chorizos (~$2 each)

Boil the potatoes till soft. Remove the skin and mash till smooth. You could peel the skin off first then boil, but I reckon it just tastes better boiled with the skin on.

Add a tablespoon of butter to the mash. This gives it an absolutely wonderful flavour and aroma. Feel free to add another spoonful if you like, but go run a mile later to burn it off ^_^

Add cracked pepper and thyme for taste.

Slice the onions and chorizos up into chunky pieces. Chorizo is an Spanish chilli sausage that you can find at most supermarket deli sections.

Heat a pan up with medium heat and add little or even no oil. That's because the chorizos will produce quite a bit of oil after being heated.

Fry the sausages first till brown then throw the onions in. Stir fry together until the onions are almost caramelised. Don't burn the onions because you'll still want some crunchiness to this dish.

Lastly, add the snow pea sprouts in the potato mash and give it a good mix.

Plate and enjoy!

A simple meal for under $3 a serving. Hope you'll like it ^_^

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Multi-Faceted Side of Me

It was hot. The mercury was at a stifling 39 degrees the past 3 days. You could make dried salted fish in half an hour.

Air-conditioner wasn't working. It was blasting away at maximum. The huff and puff apparently wasn't enough.

A shower was inevitable. Any later and I would go crazy. Some might argue that I already am.

I turned the faucet. Out came the water. Cold shower will do the trick I thought. Cold water there wasn't to be.

The water was hot. Did I turn on the hot water instead I thought. Not good. Wanted to hide in the fridge.

After my hot cold shower, it didn't feel that bad anymore. Maybe the heat got to me. Might also be the ice slushie that I gobbled down in 10 seconds. Brain hurts.

Thanks to daylight-savings, there were still 3 more hours of light to go. Out came the camera. I just had too much time.

The multi-faceted side of me...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Incredibly Long Post That I Didn’t Have Time To Write Earlier...

Woah... Where do I start? ^_^

To all out there who're wondering where on earth I've been, I'm still here in Perth and I'm officially, abeit reluctantly, a full time taxpayer.

Working at the specialist centre has really been great fun. It's really different from the impression you get when you're at uni, where everyone either thinks we'll be running around in scrubs screaming "PATIENT FLATLINING" while flapping our bloodied hands all around the emergency room, or asking a patient to drop their pants and (ermm...) cough. There are moments where everything seems to go nuts, but most of the while life's pretty peachy...

(Not that peachy... ^_^)

Fertility treatment is not a easy thing for patients to handle on a daily basis, so we kinda don't want to make it more difficult as it is by running amok like little flammingoes. Our patients look up to us as a source of support, encouragement and answers, so in a way all of us really have to be good in what we do. Except when the blood immunoassay machine fails... (Oh watch them flammingoes run). Speaking of which...

Everyone... Meet Cleo. Her name means "Father's glory" and this is the baby I get to play with everyday ^_^

She's an automated chemi-luminescence immunoassay system, designed to handle 180 blood samples an hour, with a TTFR (time to first result) of just 15 minutes. She's going to replace the aged, but still very much loved Wilbur. He has been running for 15 years and we think its about time he takes a break. Permanently =)

(Goodbye Wilbur... *sob*) -----> (Hellooo Cleo! *wohoo*)

I'm the only guy at work, which is good because there's no competition. *woohoo!* On the flip side, all the ladies at work are either married, attached or trying to have kids... *dooh!* Looks like I'll remain single for a while longer... ^_^ At least I've got Cleo...

Being the incredibly long post that I supposedly didn't have time for, it's time to recap what's been going on the past 3 months, in a glorious barrage of photos and song! (ok maybe not the song...)

Red Bull Air Race '06

Zion Fellowship's Celebration Lunch - 2 Years On...

Company Dinner @ Caffino's

(What happens when you're really hungry...)

Grace's parking prowess...

(Sorry Grace, I just had to post this! =) Please don't send David to come after me!)

No More Long Trips!

I just moved again and have now settled comfortably in a studio apartment, just a couple of minutes walk from work. I haven't taken any pictures yet, but I will soon ^_^

This time its permanent and I don't think I'll be moving again for quite some time =) Praise the LORD!

Till next time... Toodles! ^_^