Monday, July 03, 2006

I thought I had lost all interest in the World Cup after Australia got infamously booted out by the Italians. That was till I saw this....

Rooney... This time you really kicked the wrong balls man... ^_^

Its coming...
1 more day to the big one. Don't really know how its going to turn out, but I hope it goes well ^_^

1 comment:

charis said...


HaAaapPy BiRtHdaY tO Uuuuuu..
hAppY bIrtHdAY TO yOuuuuuu..
hAAaaaaPpiEeee bIRthDaY 2 ANDY...
HaPPy bIRthdAY 2U!!!!

... and this is just a day away...

Love and kisses frm yr kiasu sister! ShAloM!!!